Roasted veggies in baked pasta


Tori Sheets, The Starving Scholar

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This is my last recipe post so I hope you all enjoy it! I’ll be showing you how to make some really great baked pasta with roasted veggies. There is no cooking on the stove involved with this recipe, only in the oven so it’s super easy. Let’s get started!

This meal is so cheap! The total was $10.95 and it made two big pans of pasta that fed me and my friend six meals. So the total per meal comes out to be only $1.83! Also, this is one of the most simple meals I have posted so it will save you time and money.

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1 pkg. of penne pasta – $1.38

Small yellow onion – $.68

Zucchini – $.84

Squash – $.56

Red bell pepper – $1.22

Mushrooms – $1.88

Garlic – $.50

Mozzarella cheese – $2.47

Jar of any red sauce – $1.42



Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.

Chop the veggies as pictured above and add them all to a large bowl along with the sliced mushrooms and three minced garlic cloves. Mix in 2 teaspoons oregano and 2 teaspoons of basil along with salt and pepper. Pour about two tablespoons of oil in and mix them well.

Spray a cookie sheet with non-stick oil and then lay the veggies out in an even layer.

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Bake in the oven for 17 minutes.

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In the meantime, bring a large pot of water to boil and cook the entire package of pasta according to the directions.

Turn the oven temperature down to 375 degrees.

In the same large bowl from before, combine the veggies and pasta. Also add 3/4 of the jar of tomato sauce, one cup of cheese, and a little more salt and pepper. Mix this all together gently.

Add your pasta to a baking dish sprayed with non-stick oil. Sprinkle more cheese on top and bake for 25 minutes.

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That’s all there is to it! This cheesy, hearty meal will satisfy even the hungriest appetite.