So, you want to move to Canada, eh?


The Prairie Editorial Staff

We have all heard it, “If (fill in presidential candidate name here) wins, I’m moving to Canada!”

Ok.  Bye.

But before you pack your bags consider the following: Over the past year each and every one of us has been made aware, in one form or another, about the refugee crisis that is sweeping parts of the globe and overflowing into our American borders. Individuals are currently fleeing the Middle East and parts of North Africa due to genocide, fanaticism, and daily terror attacks.  The norm is chaos.

Many of us are lucky in our lives, thus far, to not have to worry about such things.  Our worries are parking.  Our worries are waking up late.  Our worries are running out of coffee. Not that these worries are not significant to our lives and those around us, but perspective is key.  First and foremost, never let anyone diminish the things in life that you care about.  Second, do not condemn those seeking a better life and so flippantly say you’d like to move to Canada because s0-and-so won an election.  Some places when an individual comes into power, life as they know it is over.  Death and destruction are their political powers.  We are so lucky to have a peaceful transfer of power in this great country.  Others are not, hence the crisis of refugees seeking asylum from any that will give it. It is very easy to think without speaking, to be dismissive of the world around us all and focus on the ‘me’.  But for the sake of all those around, let us give empathy a chance.  For more than a few seconds each day give someone the benefit of the doubt because we are all more than one singular moment of a day.  We are all more than what you think.