The Importance of Voting


Every four years our nation comes together and does the unthinkable: we get to choose who the leader of our country will be for the next four years. It may be the most important aspect of the freedom of the United States.

So why is it important to vote? It’s important to vote so that your voice is heard. Politicians aren’t fools. They know who turns out at the polls, so when they create policy they cater to their voters.

It’s a fact that the majority of voters are older. Young people just don’t get out and vote. Think of it this way, whoever gets elected into office will have an effect on this country that could have lasting effects. That means the people who are truly going to pay for their sins are the youth of the country, the ones who aren’t voting.

Politicians pander the people that they believe will keep them in power. If the youth of this country would rise up and stand in unity, declare, “We aren’t going to accept the old ways of doing things,” then real change may be enacted.

Tuesday, November 8 could be a historic day. The first woman President could be elected, or a man that doesn’t have any political background at all. This may be the most important election in the history of our country. The eyes of the world are upon us. If you look at international news, the top stories usually have to do with what is going on in the United States. The world looks to the United States as the trend setters, if Americans back it, then it usually becomes accepted throughout the world.

“My vote isn’t important, the candidate I want to win won’t because of the electoral college”. These are some of the biggest excuses that are given as to why people don’t vote. But if all of those people who didn’t vote actually went to the polls and voted, then perhaps the candidate they wanted to win would.

The country isn’t a majority Democrat or Republican. 29% of Americans identify as Democrats, while 26% consider themselves Republicans. That means 45% of the country are independents when it comes to voting.

So, even if you don’t consider yourself to be affiliated with one party or another, it doesn’t matter. The independents are the majority and should be the deciding factor in every single election.

Look at all of the candidates and what they stand for. Don’t just listen to the hyperbole they spout in trying to be elected. Look at their track records. What have they done in the past? Does is it line up with what they are saying? Make an educated decision that you can live with when you enter the polls and make your choice.

Many of the students at WT will be voting in their very first election this November. They will remember this election for as long as they live because it is their first. It doesn’t matter who you vote for on election day, but get out and vote for someone, make sure that your voice is heard!