WTAMU Student, Amanda Koontz, Awarded Advertising Agency Internship

Jessi Cundiff, Reporter

Senior Advertising and Public Relations major, Amanda Koontz, has been awarded an internship from the Multicultural Advertising Intern Program (MAIP) with the mcgarrybowen advertising agency. Koontz will have the opportunity to work with mcgarrybowen in Manhattan, NY from June 4 until August 14. Koontz’s living expenses, and transportation will be paid for by the program, and she will live in Brooklyn, NY.

During the internship, Koontz will work in account management, and speak directly with clients. Some clients include Crayola, J. C. Penny, and Intel.

“I’m excited about learning from these professionals, and applying what I learned in school to work,” Koontz said.

The purpose of the internship is to push for diversity in the advertising industry, accepting mainly women and minority applicants. Only 170 students are accepted for this internship program nationally.

“This is a nationally competitive internship program, so to be selected for such an honor is really outstanding,” Koontz’s advisor, Professor Lori Westermann, said. Koontz has worked hard in her education and become a standout in the Mass Communication department. According to Westermann, “She’s not even 20 years old yet, and she has already accomplished what many twice her age have”.

West Texas A&M has never had a student receive a MAIP internship before, and according to Westermann, “This really is a historic recognition of WTAMU.”  As Koontz looks forward to her tremendous opportunity, the University is honored to have such a talented and deserving student.