WTAMU Student Employment Week 2019

Savannah Wesley, Features Editor

Photo Courtesy of Career Services
Student Employment Week is a campus wide celebration of student workers at WTAMU.

Student Employment Week (SEW)  is a time to celebrate and acknowledge the student workers across the university for all their hard work throughout the year. Student employees are large contributors to the operation of the university as a business or as an organization and not just the classroom part of it.

“As a supervisor, I know that without our student employees we could not do what we are able to do every day,” said Samantha Green, student employment coordinator for Career Services. “Student employees are a major part of the university’s day-to-day functions, but they are also the face of WT.”

Student Employment Week is a nationally celebrated week that was started by the National Student Employment Association (NSEA). Universities across the U.S. recognize the contributions made by their student employees and celebrate their hard work through university-wide events. Student employees are a major part of building and maintaining good relationships with stakeholders.

“I think a lot of times, staff and faculty, I think we depend a lot on our students but we kind of take it for granted as well,” said Kim Muller, associate director of Career Services. “… I think it’s a good opportunity for us to reflect and say they really do make a huge difference in how the university operates.”

SEW is an opportunity for the campus to recognize the work students do as student employees. Muller said “studentism” or “studentdom” is acknowledged academically through the President’s list or the Dean’s list but for the employee part there really isn’t any other mechanism to show appreciation.

“Student Employment Week is important, because saying ‘thank you’ is important especially when the impact is as great as the impact our student employees have,” said Green.

Student workers are a vital part to running all the different departments across campus. Many departments rely heavily on their student workers on a daily basis. SEW is a time to remind student workers of how much they are valued by the university with a different event each day

“All week long, supervisors and student employees will be filling Career Services with notes about what they love about their job or what they appreciate about their student employees,” said Green.

On Tuesday, student employees and supervisors are invited to a coffee and pastry to start their day off. The Wednesday celebration will be a popcorn and candy bar accompanied with food, a photo booth, and games for everyone to enjoy. On Thursday, there will be a Student Employment Fair where 22 employers who are looking for part-time help, as well as interns, will be present. The fair is open to all students and will be in the Jack B. Kelley Student Center Commons. The Student Employee of the Year Ceremony will be on Friday where all of the nominees will be recognized and the 2019 Student Employee of the Year will be announced.

“[Student Employees of the Year] are outstanding student workers in their department who are nominated by their supervisor for all their hard work that makes them an above and beyond employee,” said Brooke DePue, career information specialist for Career Services.

SEOTY is an event in conjunction with SEW where supervisors nominate a student employee or graduate assistant who stands out among the rest. The nominations are representative of many departments making for a diverse line-up. Student Employee of the Year is nominated by their supervisor and selected by a committee who comes from across the university.

“It’s pretty cool,” said Muller. “And really it’s like the Academy Awards like it’s an honor just to be nominated because obviously your supervisor thinks a lot of you to go to the time and energy that it takes to submit that.”

The SEOTY nominations are submitted by supervisors who base their submissions on four categories. Attributes, expectations and impact as well as leadership skills and style. Nominees are those who present exemplary work and whose service is beyond what is expected of them. For more information about student employment week, visit the Career Services website.