Plus INT Episode #53 Shownotes
August 27, 2015

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- This episode was recorded on August 25, 2015.
- This episode is 62 MB.
- This episode is 1 hour and 7 minutes long.
- This episode was produced by Preston Thomas.
- Cover art by Chris Brockman.
For links and other nerdy goodness, keep reading…
Articles Discussed in this Episode (in Alphabetical Order):
Don’t Starve: Shipwrecked expansion announced by Alice O’Connor / Rock Paper Shotgun
Hyper Light Drifter delayed again, now due “spring 2016” by Jeffrey Matulef / Eurogamer
Metal Gear Solid 5’s PvP Forward Operating Base features microtransactions by Jenna Pitcher and Alex Osborn / IGN
The Metal Gear Solid V launch trailer is bittersweet by Jordon Devore / Destructoid
MGS V: The Phantom Pain companion app revealed, not available on Xbox 360 or PC by Kyle Hanson / Attack of the Fanboy
Minecraft 1.9 snapshot 15w31a usher in off-hand items and levitation by Jeremy Peel / PCGames
N Nintendo patent designs feature a disc-less console by Jon Ledford / ArcadeSushi
Pokken Tournament Wii U release date confirmed for Spring 2016; Pikachu Libre announced as new character [Video] by Phillip Martinez / iDigitalTimes
‘Splatoon’ is getting a 61-tune soundtrack in Japan by Jon Fingas / engadget
The Witcher 3 dev thinks its free DLC plan should be ‘industry standard’ by Sam Prell / Games Radar
Games Discussed (in Alphabetical Order): Bastion, Bloodbourne, Crusader Kings II, Dark Souls, Don’t Starve, Europa Universalis IV, Fallout 4, Hyper Light Drifter, Mad Max, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Minecraft, Pokken Tournament, Sonic the Hedgehog, Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Team Fortress 2, The Witcher III: Wild Hunt, XCOM
TV/Comics/Film/Anime/Manga/Web Shows Discussed (in Alphabetical Order): Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Mad Max: Fury Road