Careful packing helps with the transition to college

Amberly Hildebrandt

Founders Hall is one of WT’s newest residence halls.

Amberly Hildebrandt, Reporter

Adjusting to college life is a different experience for everyone. Finding one’s way, new friends and what is actually needed in one’s residence hall is all a process.

“I freaked out and packed way too much stuff. It is better to just pack what you are really going to use and need,” Autumn Watson, WTAMU sophomore Criminal Justice major, said.

With the new media age of blogs, lists and pins, incoming students turn to these types of things to see what to pack for college.

“I think for me personally the most important things I brought to college were my personal things from home. My own items made my dorm feel more homey and comfortable,” Sara Saenz, WTAMU freshman Nursing major, said.

Watson said making a dorm room one’s own is important because that is where students spend downtime. Having a place to call home makes college that much easier and fun.

“For me, the most important thing I brought to college besides towels was my Bible. College can be a very lonely place and His word brings me so much comfort,” Blakely Boxwell, WTAMU freshman Biology major, said.

Every dorm on campus is provided with cable access, Internet access, a laundry facility, refrigerators, furniture and mattresses. Seven out of the 11 dorms on campus have a community kitchen for students to use. The kitchens are all equipped for students to make their own food with ovens, microwaves, pots and pans. There are also seven dorms on campus that have Heating and Air LA conditioning installed directly in the rooms.

“I found that the necessities living in a dorm was to have an air freshener, a good mattress pad, shower shoes, ramen noodles and Netflix,” Watson said.

There are certain items not allowed in dorms. Students can’t bring refrigerated air conditioners, toasters, fireworks, pets, candles and nails. A full list of what is allowed and what is not allowed can be found at

“Living on campus does give you guidelines and rules to follow, but the dorms here at WT make me feel welcome and that I have a home,” Watson said.