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Since 1919

The Prairie News

Since 1919

The Prairie News

Since 1919

The Prairie News

Fatigue and upset woman touching nose bridge feeling eye strain or headache, trying to relieve pain.

Depression or Infection, what is going around campus?

Marcus Rogers, Editor-in-Chief October 26, 2022

We are in the midst of flu season, and people are dropping like flies in our classes. However, is this because of an infection, or is it a more underlying issue, such as depression? “So with a chronically...

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WT Debate Watch

Melanie Garcia, News Production Coordinator October 9, 2022

Texas Governor debate watch was hosted by The Prairie News and The Sybil B. Harrington College of Fine Arts and Humanities to inform West Texas A&M students about their future governor. “It's...

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How will New Mexico’s free college impact WT?

Marcus Rogers, Senior Staff May 3, 2022

Around the U.S., there is currently $1.75 trillion in federal and private student debt. New Mexico recently became the first state in the nation to offer tuition-free college to its residents. West...

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COMM Week begins with Fill With Hope event

Marcus Rogers, Staff October 21, 2021

The 2021 COMM Week Stranger Games, hosted by the West Texas A&M University Media Communication Program, had their opener event on late Monday afternoon in the Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex...

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One of Randall County's 2020 polling sites is located at Randall County District Court on 2309 Russell Long Blvd.

How WTAMU students can register to vote

Mitchell Downing, Junior Reporter August 30, 2020

With the 2020 presidential election rapidly approaching, time to register to vote is running out. The deadline to register varies by the voting method and by state. Voters will be given the option to submit...

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Tailgating on campus gives students a  new opportunity to get involved on campus

Tailgating on campus gives students a new opportunity to get involved on campus

Jace Hearn November 25, 2019

As the first football season ever to be played on West Texas A&M University campus came to a close Saturday afternoon, students talked about their tailgating experience this year.   Tailgating...

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The White Buffalo on Citizens Bank Plaza was revealed before welcoming the WTAMU family to the Buffalo Stadium.

White Buffalo ices the cake of Buffalo Stadium

Rafael Flores and Jace Hearn September 6, 2019

The White Buffalo has made its grand reveal and so has the new Buffalo Stadium by the Virgil Henson Activities Center. Football games will now take place there after 52 years of being in the Kimbrough...

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Photo Courtesy of
Out of 41 colleges, WTAMU was named the second safest campus. Listed are the top 10 safest campuses in Texas.

WTAMU named second safest campus in Texas

Savannah Wesley, Features Editor September 3, 2019

On August 20, Your Local Security released a report revealing West Texas A&M University as the Second Safest College Campus in Texas. “To help future college students make safety-driven decisions,...

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Two WTAMU students named semifinalists for Fulbright

Savannah Welsey, Features Editor April 3, 2019

Rogelio “Roger” Onofre, a political science graduate of Fall 2018 and Rigoberto “Rigo” Baeza, senior law and economics major, moved on in the Fulbright Scholarship selection as semifinalists. “Students...

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WTAMU student represented 4-H in National Ag Day in DC

WTAMU student represented 4-H in National Ag Day in DC

Savannah Welsey, Features Editor March 28, 2019

Anika Parks, a senior at West Texas A&M University, will be attending National Ag Day in Washington D.C. as a representative of National 4-H. “Being selected as one of ten representatives...

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Esteban Ponce/the Prairie
Biochemistry professor Dr Nick Flynn teaches at WTAMU and appreciates his hobby of homebrewing and the chemistry that goes into the practice.

Beyond the 9 to 5: beakers and brewskies

Savannah Wesley, Features Editor March 27, 2019

Chemistry and brewing go hand in hand, and Dr. Nick Flynn, professor of biochemistry at West Texas A&M University participates in the hobby of homebrewing. “As of 2017, there are an estimated...

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University Sing 2019

Jadeyn Arthur March 4, 2019

The 2019 West Texas A&M University SING was hosted by the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement. Several organizations collaborated together to give the performance of a lifetime based off the...

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