WTAMU’s Distinguished Lecture Series to Host Temple Grandin


Dr. Brian Ingrassia


[email protected]

Canyon, Texas—Temple Grandin will speak at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 18, at West Texas A&M University’s Jack B. Kelly Legacy Hall as part of WTAMU’s Distinguished Lecture Series. 

Grandin, who serves as an animal science professor at Colorado State University, first gained prominence when she published her scientific article “Livestock Behavior as Related to Handling Facilities Design,” which presented the idea that animals are sensitive to details in their environment. She was one of the first researchers to study this side of the livestock industry.

Grandin has also published multiple books on her experiences of living with autism, as well books to better educate people about autism. For more information about Grandin, visit her website: http://templegrandin.com/


About WTAMU’S Distinguished Lecture Series

The Distinguished Lecture Series brings people of national prominence to speak on the WTAMU campus. All DLS events are free and open to the public. For more information, please visit https://www.wtamu.edu/about/distinguished-lecture-series.aspx

