The recently released horror film, “It Follows” directed by David Mitchell and starring Maika Moore is already being talked about as one of the scariest movies of the year. The movie has a throwback approach, recreating and trying to rejuvenate the 80’s slasher horror genre. The film follows around a young woman named Jay (Maika Moore), who unfortunately inherits a demon/ghostly/supernatural force through a sexual act and the only way to survive is to keep a distance from this force without letting it touch you. This supernatural force has only one means of transportation; through a rekindled version of the infamous slow walk that killers in those classic slasher films like John Carpenter’s “Halloween” and Sean Cunningham’s “Friday the 13th” used.
“It Follows” isn’t a fast paced, adrenaline rush that scares its audience by horrific events, or dramatic encounters. It has a totally different approach, since the force can only walk at an extremely, dramatic, slow, fingernails to the chalkboard pace, the audience gets most of their intense horror feelings from nonstop anxiety which hits the highest possible decibel in your heart, and doesn’t go away for multiple hours. The fact that the force can only walk and not run is a beautiful element brought to the story because it leaves the audience uncomfortable. It’s out there heading in the direction of this girl, giving everyone in the theater not a lot of time to get comfortable.
“I really had a good time with ‘It Follows’; I loved the score, I loved the cinematography- I loved the performances for the most part,” Chris Stuckmann, celebrity and movie critic, said.
The score and cinematography were two giant elements this movie succeeded in. The crew wanted to retool a 80’s slasher movie feel for the audience and they did a great job in creating that with a retro- electric score.
“It Follows” was not perfect, it had some plot holes. There was some aspects that weren’t explained thoroughly which needed to be explained better because they were important for the plot to make sense. One of these plot holes was the parents of these high school kids just magically disappeared and the audience doesn’t know where they went. They just vanish from the story.
The writer and director could of done a better job of explaining where these parents disappeared to. There was also some unneeded scenes that didn’t seem to have any relevance to what was going on in the movie, as well.
To horror movie standards, this film succeeded expectations by taking an original script and intertwining it with those 80 horror film elements.