Student Government announces new President and Vice President

Graphic courtesy of wtamusga Instagram

WTAMU’s Student Government announced on Instagram that Seth Rodriguez and Kylie Scott will be the successors of Student Body President Colton Bourquin and Vice President Scout Odegaard.

Seth Rodriguez is a junior, political science major with a minor in communications and will be serving as student body president in fall 2020.
“I am very excited to step into this position and start working closely with my fellow Buffs,” Rodriguez said. “I am very thankful for all students who took time out of their busy quarantine schedule to vote. I think that says a lot about our students.”
Rodriguez previously served as a senator for the College of Education and Social Sciences, and before that was an associate justice.
Rodriguez said campaigning this time was definitely different, and far more challenging. He decided to hand out cookies the Thursday that the email went out stating the university’s plan of action.
“So it wasn’t the best time to hand out food,” Rodriguez said. “But it was also very positive. I was able to see students and get to hear their real concerns, and I learned how to manage a campaign entirely online.”
He said this has been a growing period and is excited to see himself, students and the university come out of this stronger than ever before.
“I definitely want to be a voice for the people. If there is any concern at all, I want to be someone who the students can come and talk to,” Rodriguez said. “They are the reason why I am in this position, so I want to serve them like they deserve. My main goal is to boost on-campus and community involvement among students, and we (the SGA exec team) are working closely together to brainstorm ideas.”
Kylie Scott, a junior, plant, soil and environmental sciences major, will be serving as the student body vice president.

“This has been a goal of mine since I was elected as a freshman senator. Not because I thought that I needed an executive position to make a difference, but because I have an innate desire to develop leaders,” Scott said. “If no one is nurturing the development of the senators as individuals and leaders, how can we expect them to prioritize the development of the community?”

Scott has served with the Student Government Association since Fall 2018. She was elected as a freshman senator for a semester before filling a vacancy in the College of Agriculture & Natural Sciences and was appointed to Academic Affairs Committee Chairman in Spring 2019. This past year, Scott served as parliamentarian before running for student body vice president.

“These past few weeks have been incredibly difficult for many WT students, but it has also been a great opportunity to demonstrate our individual grit and perseverance. Luckily for us, we have a great Public Relations committee that pushed marketing through several departments at WT and encouraged students to vote for their representation,” Scott said. “Because the world communicates primarily online anyway, I found campaigning to be easy going, although I would’ve liked to follow through with my plans to directly connect with students on campus.”

The SGA Executive Team pledges nothing short of their full commitment and boundless support to the students, faculty, administration and the greater WTAMU community. Scott said she can assure the campus body as student body vice president the full extent of her abilities in serving the campus. She said if she should fail, “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.”

Specific topics that Scott used to launch her campaign included the utilization of Open Educational Resources in classrooms, increased academic support for pre-professional students, enhanced leadership development for active SGA members and campus beautification.

Election results for 2020-21 can be viewed on the WTAMU Student Government website. Both Rodriguez and Scott will be seniors in fall of 2020.