Winter weather advisory, the chilling effects of winter weather on WT athletic programs.
Winter weather greatly affects athletic programs.
When winter storms hit, West Texas A&M University athletic programs are greatly affected by hazardous weather conditions. But in true athletic spirit, choosing to adapt and persevere through cancelations and postponements is what’s at the heart of athletics at WTAMU.
With the last winter storm that hit Canyon Texas, weather conditions began to cause drastic changes for everyone involved with WTAMU life, and the athletic programs were at the forefront of cancelations and postponements due to the weather. With the closing of the campus because of hostile weather conditions and rolling blackouts, safety for everyone at WTAMU was the priority for our trusted leaders on campus.
“Due to rolling blackouts and continued winter weather advisory, and our concern for the safety of all associated with WT, West Texas A&M University is now closed” said President of WTAMU, Walter Wendler in a public email.
When chilling temperatures arise, and precipitation makes it impossible for athletic teams to practice outside, not all practices end up being canceled. People involved with the athletic teams at WTAMU seem to have the ability to adapt to changing situations with the weather, and also want the best for the athletes. There are also indoor facilities that some athletic teams can move their practices to when the weather does not allow them to practice outside.
“We have to utilize indoor spaces for team practices while snow is on our outdoor facilities. Golf, baseball and softball have indoor hitting areas in the old SUB, while soccer, baseball and softball will utilize the all-purpose room at the VHAC for feilding activities,” said associate athletics director for facilities & event operations, Kent Johnson.
But how does having to change to indoor practice locations impact student athletes? Recently the season opener for the WTAMU men’s soccer team was canceled due to weather conditions, and the team’s whole weekly schedule of practices were moved to an inside facility. Although practicing inside may not have the same feel as practicing outside, one soccer player had a positive outlook on the situation.
“I would say that the positive note is that we were still able to practice…Even after the home game was canceled, being able to stay on top of things (practice, go to weights) is already a plus. We should consider ourselves lucky,” said computer science major and goalkeeper for the men’s soccer team Alexander Vencel.
The conclusion seems to be that even if there are extreme winter weather conditions, people involved with the athletics programs want to do whatever it takes to push forward, even if games or practices are canceled or rescheduled. Also, the fact that WTAMU provides indoor facilities for teams to practice in, shows how much the administrators at the college care about their student athletes.