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All content by Lisa Hellier

WT jazz bands attend festival

Lisa Hellier May 1, 2012

From April 19 to 21, WTAMU jazz band students attended the 42nd annual Greeley Jazz Festival hosted by the University of Northern Colorado and sponsored by Jamey Aebersold. “This guy is probably credited...

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WT will change parking

Lisa Hellier May 1, 2012

WTAMU, based on recommendations by the parking committee and approval by Dr. Patrick O’Brien, will implement a single parking permit in the fall of 2012. This will change zone parking to open parking,...

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Dr. Ballard lectures about Titanic and other discoveries

Lisa Hellier April 27, 2012

Dr. Robert Ballard lectured at Mary Moody Northen Hall on April 23 as part of the WTAMU Distinguished Lecture Series. Ballard is known for his deep-sea exploration and, more specifically, his discovery...

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Dr. Robert Ballard to speak at WTAMU about Titanic discovery

Lisa Hellier April 21, 2012

Dr. Robert Ballard will speak at the Mary Moody Northen Recital Hall at 8 p.m. on April 23 as part of the WTAMU Distinguished Lecture Series. His presentation will focus on his discovery of the R.M.S....

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ATO members handed out trophies to team member for the winning team, “2 Legit.” Photo by Lisa Hellier.

ATO raises money for Ronald McDonald House

Lisa Hellier April 17, 2012

Web Editor's Note: To see more photos of the fundraiser, click here! Alpha Tau Omega (ATO), a fraternity at WTAMU, hosted a double elimination co-ed softball tournament April 13-14 at the Buffalo Sports...

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WT not registered for TAMU licensing agreement

Lisa Hellier April 10, 2012

Texas A&M University has a licensing agreement that offers students the opportunity to purchase software programs such as Microsoft Office at affordable prices. WTAMU has not taken the steps to...

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Trash floats at the edge of Thompson lake. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Amarillo Zoo will host Thompson Park cleanup

Lisa Hellier April 3, 2012

Web Editor's Note: To see more photos of the lake, click here. On April 14, the Amarillo Zoo will be hosting a clean up project in which participants will help clear up lake and creek shorelines throughout...

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Members of the community will pick up litter from the lake. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Thompson Park: This Week in Photos

Lisa Hellier April 3, 2012

Check out these pics of the pollution in Thompson Park! To read more about the park, and the cleanup efforts, click here.

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BWA set up table at the JBK on March 26. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

BWA gives out free ribbons for cancer awareness

Lisa Hellier March 27, 2012

The WTAMU Black Women’s Association (BWA) is giving out free ribbons to raise awareness of cancer as well as in support of the upcoming Relay for Life event. They passed out ribbons of various colors...

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Sara Davis and Dr. Amy Von Lintel after lecture on feminism. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Professor, graduate presented lecture on feminism

Lisa Hellier March 20, 2012

The Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum hosted a lecture on March 10 at the Hazlewood Lecture Hall called “Feminist Perspectives: Past and Present.” The two lecturers included WTAMU Assistant Professor...

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Dr. Amy Von Lintel speaking about the history of feminism. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

This Week in Photos: Feminist Perspectives – Past and Present

Lisa Hellier March 20, 2012

Check out our pics of the Feminist Perspectives: Past and Present lecture at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum! To read more about the lecture, click here.

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Nefarious poster. Courtesy of the Nefarious Facebook Page.

‘Nefarious: Merchant of Souls’ shows at WTAMU

Lisa Hellier March 6, 2012

On March 22, a documentary about human trafficking called “Nefarious: Merchant of Souls” will show in the WTAMU Virgil Henson Activity Center Ballroom at 7:30 p.m. The documentary takes an in-depth...

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Liz Murray speaking at Mary Moody Northern Recital Hall during Comm Week. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Liz Murray shares homeless to Harvard experience

Lisa Hellier February 28, 2012

Liz Murray spoke at the Mary Moody Northen Recital Hall for Communication Week on Feb. 21. The Distinguished Lecture Series brought her in to talk about her experiences of homelessness and her journey...

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Congressman Mac Thornberry interacting with one of the groups working on the federal budget. Photo courtesy of Mac Thornberry's web site.

Students and community tackle federal budget

Lisa Hellier February 28, 2012

College students and community leaders joined together at the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum on Feb. 21 to take a shot at creating their own version of the federal budget through a workshop called...

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Students help mentor high schools for GEAR UP

Lisa Hellier February 21, 2012

GEAR UP is a grant program designed to help prepare students, academically and financially for postsecondary education. “We follow one class of students from the time they are in seventh grade until...

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Destination z logo. Photo courtesy of IBM web site.

Morris paves his future path in computer science

Lisa Hellier February 7, 2012

WTAMU student Vance Morris received top honors by being chosen for the annual Destination z Enterprise Computing Scholarship program. There were 29 applicants, and because of his successful mainframe...

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WT students voice opinion on texting and driving bill

Lisa Hellier January 31, 2012

The danger of texting while driving is an issue being debated from the local to national level. “[Texting] is becoming a way of life that is being accepted by every generation that is on the planet...

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A crane lifts structure into place for the new JBK addition. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Campus Construction: This Weeks in Photos

Lisa Hellier January 24, 2012

Here are some photos of the recent campus construction by Lisa Hellier. To read more about the construction projects, click here!

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The new residence hall will be located behind Jones and Cross Hall. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

WTAMU students’ reaction to campus expansion

Lisa Hellier January 24, 2012

WTAMU students returning for the spring semester were greeted by construction sites that have scattered throughout campus. The JBK expansion is progressing, a new residence hall has begun construction...

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VHAC has damage

Lisa Hellier December 7, 2011

The Virgil Henson Activities Center (VHAC) closed the indoor track and all-purpose room after 60 mph wind tore up part of the roof. Within a week, insulation was used to repair and cover up the holes....

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Kristen Robberts. Photo by Alex Montoya.

Staff Member of the Month: Kristen Robberts

Lisa Hellier November 29, 2011

About 17 years ago, Kristen Robberts started at WTAMU as a secretary, and since then has worked her way up to become an education advisor. Robberts knew she wanted to be able to interact with students...

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Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Student War Memorials: This Week in Photos

Lisa Hellier November 15, 2011

This week, for Veterans Day, we wrote about Student War Memorials. Read more about them here. [imagebrowser id=120]

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The Student War Memorial. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

WT street signs, plaques, memorials honor military

Lisa Hellier November 15, 2011

On Nov. 11, 2011 veteran Colonel Don Watson sat in the JBK recalling his years at WTAMU and when he first went off to fight in the Vietnam War. He remembers the friends he made and the ones he lost. In...

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Buff Allies program revived but in danger of dying

Lisa Hellier November 8, 2011

Buff Allies is a program formed by WTAMU faculty and staff members to provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students a supportive safe zone to discuss any issues they might have. “[It...

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Staff Member of the Month: This Week in Photos

Staff Member of the Month: This Week in Photos

Lisa Hellier November 1, 2011

WT has named its Staff Member of the Month! To read more about it, click here. [imagebrowser id=99]

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Marga Gore working at the Financial Aid Office. Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Marga Gore chosen as staff member of the month

Lisa Hellier November 1, 2011

Financial Aid Counselor Marga Gore was named as WT Staff Member of the Month. "Marga is a hard worker. She is always doing something,“ Terri Faver, a financial counselor, said. At the Financial...

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Route 66 Roller Derby team holds masquerade brawl

Lisa Hellier October 25, 2011

On Oct. 21, the Route 66 Roller Derby team held a masquerade brawl at the Old Red Barn in Amarillo to fundraise for their team and socialize with the community. Admission was $5 for attendees who wore...

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Ghost haunts Stafford Hall

Lisa Hellier October 25, 2011

Stories have spread on the WT campus about the haunting of Stafford Hall. Though details vary from person to person, the all female dorm has been rumored to be haunted by ghosts that like to disturb and...

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Jodi Thomas helps WT students with writing skills

Lisa Hellier October 18, 2011

Jodi Thomas was speaking at a library grand opening in 2003 when Russell C. Long, then the president of WTAMU, walked up and asked to speak to her.  Thomas, a writer, thought that he wanted to write a...

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Who’s Who at WT

Lisa Hellier October 11, 2011

Who’s Who Among Students is a long-standing honors program that offers a prestigious award for students attending a university, college or junior college that have met specific academic, leadership and...

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Photo courtesy of M. Scott Craig.

WT alumnus publishes book

Lisa Hellier October 4, 2011

In “Cacoethes” the author, M. Scott Craig, uses a collection of fiction and poetry to guide readers through a relationship and tells of love along with the positive and negative obstacles and experiences...

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Herdsmen Hearts two-step onto WTAMU campus

Lisa Hellier September 28, 2011

Students gathered at the Pedestrian Mall on Sept. 23 for a two-stepping dance event held by the Herdsmen Hearts. The dance lasted from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and included music, dancing and socializing.Members...

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Student acts as WT school mascot to energize games

Lisa Hellier September 20, 2011

  As the fans root for the players and the cheerleaders rally up the crowd, there is another person on the sidelines making sure everyone gets pumped up during games. Even though Bucky, the WT...

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WTAMU moving forward, construction throughout campus

Lisa Hellier September 13, 2011

As the fall 2011 semester begins, construction continues on WT campus grounds. Renovating and building new structures are at the forefront of WT’s agenda to lead the University toward a quickly growing...

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Photo by Lisa Hellier.

Outdoor Pursuits getting out there

Lisa Hellier September 6, 2011

Outdoor Pursuits is a campus program designed to teach students about outdoor living skills such as environmental ethics, safety, judgment and leadership. They offer multiple affordable outdoor excursions...

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Virgil Henson Activities Center. Courtesy of

WTAMU offers outdoor experience for students

Lisa Hellier May 3, 2011
WTAMU's Recreational Sports/Outdoor Pursuits program offers faculty and students the opportunity to experience the outdoors in a fun and interactive way.
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Cracking the GRE. Courtesy of Creative

WTAMU offers students GRE prep courses

Lisa Hellier April 19, 2011
Students preparing to attend graduate school have a few difficult steps to take before they can begin to work on their master’s degree. Certain requirements are needed to get into graduate school and an important one includes the General Records Examination (GRE).
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WT offers a variety of workout classes

Lisa Hellier March 29, 2011
The West Texas A&M Virgil Henson Activities Center offers students many different workout options including free fitness classes. The Shape-Up division plays a large role in WT’s Fitness program by giving students the chance to get in shape or stay in shape through a variety of group classes.
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Men of E.X. Clusive. Photo courtesy of Ben Abiola.

Men of E.X. Clusive win ‘We Bleed Maroon”

Lisa Hellier March 8, 2011

The Men of E.X.Clusive, who incorporate charity work and a step team into their non-Greek fraternity, won against other WTAMU organizations in the We Bleed Maroon competition. The event was not about stepping...

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NewsChannel10 Logo.

News Channel 10 marks history in area

Lisa Hellier March 8, 2011

After a two-year transition process and $1 million spent on new equipment, KFDA-TV News Channel 10 in Amarillo launched their first high-definition broadcast on Feb. 22.  KFDA-TV, a CBS affiliate,...

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Dr. Benjamin Brooks. Photo courtesy of Rik Andersen, WTAMU Photographer.

Music professor qualifies for international music competition

Lisa Hellier March 1, 2011

Dr. Benjamin Brooks, assistant professor of music, had his composition, Cadence- Fantasy on Rhythms of Nick Angelis, chosen to be performed at the International Society of Contemporary Music’s (ISCM)...

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John Sealy Hospital, Galveston. Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

Galveston hospital dismisses illegal immigrant before treatment

Lisa Hellier February 22, 2011

   Questionable hospital rules sparked a nationwide ethical debate after illegal immigrant Maria Sanchez was released from University of Texas Medical Branch’s John Sealy Hospital before having her...

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The Taco Bell chain is facing controversy about its "beef". Photo by Frankie Sanchez.

Students, law firm have ‘beef’ with Taco Bell

Lisa Hellier February 15, 2011

Taco Bell is on the defensive after Beasley Allen, a personal injury law firm in Orlando, Florida, filed a lawsuit against them claiming that their beef products contain only 36 percent beef and does...

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