Since 1919

The Prairie News

Since 1919

The Prairie News

Since 1919

The Prairie News

Student Affairs: A Little of This, a Little of That

WTAMU students are offered several services through the Office of Student Affairs. It is located at the front entrance of the JBK and its across from the CORE office.

According to the WTAMU website, the office of Student Affairs is basically the center that offers “…rich and varied programs, services, and facilities that support lifelong learning.”

Services include career, fitness, counseling, testing, student employment and student medical. However, only a small percentage of WT students actually take advantage of them. If students do not know where to look for the kinds of services that they need or if they need to make a statement or complaint about anything related to WT, the Office of Student Affairs is the place to start.“This [Student Affairs] office deals with complaints of staff, students, and even community complaints,” Cheryle Dill, administrative assistant of Student Affairs, said.

But handling complaints is only a small bit of what the office is busy doing throughout each semester. This office is also busy with committee meetings at this particular time of year.

“Centennial Hall and the JBK expansion construction meetings are keeping Dr. O’Brien busy right now,” Linda Washington, executive secretary of the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, said. “Homecoming is a busy time for us, as well. Fitting in all of the construction meetings on top of that already busy week keeps us occupied plenty.”

Knowing how to balance an eventful Homecoming week and meetings upon meetings is an every day task for Student Affairs. Adding in the many services that it provides for the student body allows for little to no free time in the day.

“I’ve heard of the Career Services, and Employment Services, but never thought that Student Affairs was the center for getting information over all of that,” Tarah Groomer, senior WT student said.

Some students also make the mistake of equating Student Affairs with Student Government.

“I thought Student Affairs was just Student Government or the office that deals with contacting you or your parents if you’ve missed several class days without an excuse,” Jose Garcia, senior Graphic Design major, said.

Students who visit the Office of Student Affairs can find information about the current campus construction projects, studying abroad, or simply ask questions.

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