On Saturday, April 20, the Agriculture Department held its first annual Buffalo Olympics. All the organizations within the department got together to create an event where all majors could come together to play games, eat and dance one last time before the semester ends.
“I wanted to have an event in which all the students could come together and just have fun hanging out and letting loose,” Lauren Christy, senior Agricultural Business and Economics major, said. “I got the idea from the cook-off that took place a few years ago.”
The organizations that participated in Buffalo Olympics were the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT), Block and Bridle, Horsemen’s, Collegiate FFA, Pre-Vet, Farm and Ranch Club and the Agribusiness Club.
“I am glad Horsemen’s was invited to participate with Buffalo Olympics,” Kayla Reeves, junior animal science major, said. “We had a great time mingling with the other clubs.”
The various games played at Buffalo Olympics were barnyard olympics, relay races, minute-to-win-it, horseshoes, egg toss, redneck golf and washers.
“Although Buffalo Olympics was a competition, our team wasn’t interested in winning,” Ryan Heinrich, junior Plant, Soil and Environmental Science major, said. “We were excited and thrilled to get to know each other better and have fun in the process. It was also good to unite all the other organizations within the department together in a fun-filled, family atmosphere.”
One of the reasons behind the event was to get the various organizations together. With school, work and personal lives, there is rarely enough time to get together and become familiar with one another.
“The importance of Buffalo Olympics is to foster relationships and networking,” Dr. Lance Kieth, professor of Agricultural Education, said. “These people are the people that you will be working with for the rest of your lives. This event is happening at a good time when school projects are finishing up and the semester is coming to a close.”
Various local businesses donated toward the event, including Cliff Land Brokers, King and Rotary, Block and Bridle, Chisum Ranches, Gypsy Jangle and Verizon.
“I hope there will be many more Buffalo Olympics to come in the future,” Christy said.