Shortly following the demise of the WT Confessions Facebook page, a new challenger has appeared. While following a similar format, where WTAMU students anonymously submit juicy tidbits to go up on the page, the admins of WT Secrets have taken a more cautious approach to the confessional page from the outset.
Two of the page’s admins recently interviewed with the Prairie; remaining anonymous in their answers, they will be referred to as Admin 1 and Admin 2.
The Prairie: How do you think you have succeeded where WT Confessions failed?
Admin 1: Confessions didn’t keep the page anonymous enough. At WT Secrets we try to keep the page as anonymous as possible… when you release too much information you risk exposing someone.
Admin 2: WT Confessions would post full names onto the site, that was a big no-no.
The Prairie: Do you think there need to be an outlet for this sort of information?
Admin 2: Definitely, there is this quote from V for Vendetta. “Man is least himself when he speaks in his own person, give him a mask and he will tell you the truth.” People wouldn’t post how they felt if they knew they would be seen.
Admin 1: Keeping the anonymity is key to keeping the page up.
The Prairie: You created the sister page WT Blind Dates, did you feel the need to cater to these individuals?
Admin 2: We almost felt like we had to make the blind date page. You see that many people talking about their crushes and how they wish they could talk to these folks you can’t help but sympathize with them. I mean, I’m a lonely nerd myself, so it’s like yeah I know how this feels.
Admin 1: I agree with Admin 2 here, but I’m no nerd.
Admin 2: Shut up, nerd.
The Prairie: Have you heard of any couples meeting up from these pages?
Admin 2: We have a new admin running the page and I have been keeping up with him, helping out whenever I can. So far it seems like the page is going pretty well. With over 400 likes, there are tons of potential dates posted to the page. So far we haven’t heard anything but people are indeed posting. We are also exercising caution with the page, encouraging posters to have the first date in a neutral zone like the Caf or the JBK.
With over 2000 likes on the main page and nearly 500 on the spinoff page, WT Secrets seems like it will be here to stay as more students brimming with gossip and dirty laundry make their way to the page.