The formal art gallery in Mary Moody Northen Hall is featuring unique art from Jan. 16 through Feb. 15. Victoria Taylor-Gore, artist and WTAMU alumni, shows off her photograph and video collages with a twist. Taylor – Gore uses unique ways with photographs, video of miniature sets, and plastic toys in the landscapes of West Texas.
Although Taylor-Gore is known for her paintings, she is expanding her skills to short filmmaking, photography and digital collages.
“It’s all part of visual storytelling,” Taylor-Gore said. You can see this with the art in the WT gallery and with the other content that is on her website. Taylor-Gore has also been featured in many countries over the past 20 years.
Using animals like a deer and a cow, Taylor-Gore shows the mythological and spiritual symbolism that goes along with them. Each photograph is mixed with a star or planet chart.
“It brings a greater perspective on the universe and our magical and spiritual nature,” Taylor-Gore said.
The cow image presents two icons, one for the “Old West” and the other as a feminine nurturing symbol of the earth itself. Many of her art shares the same surreal and symbolic qualities.
“There are accidental and intentional symbols in the images along with the play of opposites,” Taylor-Gore said.
Some examples of the opposites that are shown in some of her art are, Earth vs. Heavens, and Sun vs. Moon, and many more. The video that runs during the exhibition shows the process that the collages took through Adobe Photoshop to get the final picture.