WT students sue president, Texas A&M University System officials
West Texas A&M University students protest at the “Original Texans” sculpture foundation on March 22 2023 (Photo/Jo Early)
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE, is suing the President of West Texas A&M University, Dr. Walter Wendler, after canceling a student organization’s charity drag show supporting The Trevor Project, an organization to prevent suicide in the LGBTQ community.
FIRE is representing Spectrum WT representatives, President Barrett “Bear” Bright, and Vice President Lauren “Laur” Stovall in the lawsuit in Amarillo Federal Court against WT and Texas A&M University System officials.
FIRE attorney Adam Steinbaugh said in the press release Wendler’s actions violated the First Amendment.
“The First Amendment protects student speech, whether it’s gathering on campus to study the Bible, hosting an acid-tongued political speaker, or putting on a charity drag show,” Steinbaugh said.
The court documents state that WT Student Affairs Vice President Christopher Thomas, Texas A&M University Chancellor John Sharp, and the Texas A&M University System Board of Regents are also being sued.
FIRE states Wendler also violated a campus free speech law signed by Gov. Greg Abbott in 2019. The law states a university “may not take action against a student organization or deny the organization any benefit.”
On March 20, Dr. Wendler sent out an email to students and faculty canceling the drag show and calling drag “derisive and demoralizing misogyny” and compared it to blackface performances.
Since then, students have gathered around the “Original Texans” sculpture fountain protesting the president’s decision. A Change.org petition was created to save the on-campus drag show with more than 10,000 signatures.
A counter-protest occurred in favor of Wendler’s decision with a petition created by WT’s Young Conservatives of Texas. The petition has over 4,000 signatures.
Bernadette • Mar 25, 2023 at 4:24 pm
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The drag debate continues; multiple beliefs converge on campus
Jo Early, Contributor|March 23, 2023
West Texas A&M University students protest at the “Original Texans” sculpture fountain on March 22 2023. (Photo/Jo Early)
By Jo Early
Dozens of West Texas A&M University students, alumni and supporters gathered today at noon at the “Original Texans” sculpture fountain in response to the message WT President Walter V. Wendler sent Monday afternoon denouncing and canceling a campus drag show. March 22, 2023 was the second day of the week-long protest, and attendees carried signs and Pride flags as they chanted “love thy neighbor,” “L-O-V-E, room for all at WT,” and “we won’t back down, the whole world is watching now.”
Members of WT’s gay-straight alliance, Spectrum, were among those in attendance.
“It was meant to just be a celebration of gender, of femininity, of just everything that we think is good about the LGBTQ community,” Laur Stovall, vice president of Spectrum and a sophomore political science major, said. “And I’m very disheartened that Walter Wendler would go against that, and we’re also here to protest because he does not have the right to discriminate.”
The drag queens meant to perform at the campus show will now join a show hosted by the Amarillo Area Transgender Advocacy Group on April 1, according to Teresa Burnett, the group’s public relations chair.
“I’m hoping to accomplish shutting down the haters,” Burnett said of her presence at today’s protest. “Because there’s so many of them, especially the group [praying across the fountain] that are going to try to tell us that we’re going to hell, and we’re not.”
A group of students stood to the side of the fountain and spent the hour in prayer. Among them was Caleb Frick, a junior agricultural media communications major.
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Jamie Parchesky (left) and Hagen Lamn. (Photo/Victoria Fatiregun)
“No, this is not a counter-protest,” Frick said. “We’ve been praying, walking and sitting a little bit because it’s not meant as a counter-protest. We’re just praying over everyone that’s coming around, and I guess really praying for peace with everyone is what we’re trying to do.”
President Wendler said in his message that drag shows are “derisive, divisive and demoralizing misogyny, no matter the stated intent.”
Riley Harbour, a sophomore secondary theatre education major, disagrees. “Women are powerful,” Harbour said. “And I think that drag shows that. Watching drag makes me feel confident in myself, and it makes me feel powerful.”
Some attendees came to show support for President Wendler, such as Rick Lopez, a WT alumnus and community pastor.
“I stand with him,” Lopez said. “I wrote him an email. I told him I appreciated what he did, what he stands for, for his Biblical beliefs.”
Proceeds of the campus drag show were to be donated to The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention organization for LGBTQ+ youth.
“Why is their suicide rate so high in that group?” Lopez asked. “Because of the demonic spirits that they have allowed into their lives. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy.”
The protesters finished their demonstration at 1 p.m., chanting, “drag is not hate, tomorrow at noon,” during their final walk around the fountain. Stovall said there are many ways for students to show their support.
“Sign our petition, come to our protest, support us on Instagram @wtamuspectrum,” Stovall said. “If you can give us a follow, we’re posting things there.”
President Wendler is not giving interviews and has no further comment.
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West Texas A&M University students protest at the Original Texans sculpture foundation on March 22 2023 (Photo/Jo Early)
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Bernadette • Mar 23, 2023 at 7:45 pm
I agree with Wendell. I’ll add that the transgender movement is mostly about money. It’s become a big issue because the powerful medical establishment makes billions from sex-change surgeries, puberty blockers, and hormones. What you are not told is that once you have a sex-change surgery, you can never have children and you will never be able to have an orgasm. The same holds true for puberty blockers…you will never be able to have children or experience orgasm after using them. And hormone “therapy” basically poisons you. Our bodies were designed to tolerate only certain types of hormones, and pumpling in hormones that do not belong there is ruinous to your health. People who believe that the best thing for people who think they should become the opposite sex is to “affirm” them with “gender-affirming care” have not been told the whole story. They have been lied to. This movement is all about money and exploiting people who need help accepting who they are and being happy with who they truly are, i.e., either a male or a female. A college campus, which is supposed to teach students fact from fiction based on reason is no place for vulgar “shows” of any type, which drag shows are. They are vulgar. Ultimately, the transgender movement uses vulnerable people as pawns in a huge money-making scheme. It is unethical and wrong. Wendell is right to prohibit such nonsense at an institution of higher learning. Brave and honest individuals, who are truly counter-cultural, will avoid such vulgar displays for the sake of the victims of the transgender movement, i.e., those individuals who are performing. Do not exploit them further by encouraging their behavior. Instead, encourage them to seek help in finding healthy ways to cope with their problems. Think of Kayleigh Scott, the United Airlines trans-visibility feature person, who committed suicide a few days ago. His surgeries obviously did not solve his serious depression. Instead, the money-hungry medical industry exploited his depression and confusion, made boatloads of money off his surgeries I’m sure, and United Airlines propped him up to advertise how affirming they are. I call that exploitation. Thus 25 year old is now dead by suicide. What a tragedy. I challenge everyone to help stop this kind of exploitation of sad people who need authentic help.
Laur Stovall • Mar 25, 2023 at 8:31 am
I am so proud of this community ?️??️