The 5th Annual Amarillo Invitational Balloon Rally to benefit the March of Dimes is taking place Oct. 22-24.
The first rally started five years ago with six balloons, but this year there are around 30 balloons registered for the program.
“There are balloonists from California to New Jersey,” Chris Jones, rally coordinator said.
Jones said that the event expects to rise around $10,000 for March of Dimes, less than what they raised last year.
“In the past we raised over $30,000,” he said. “Because of economy it’s kind of difficult.”
Money for the event will come from sponsors. This year’s sponsors include Farmers Insurance, Pepsi Cola, and Palo Duro Canyon.
Farmers Insurance donated balloon rides to help raise money.
“[With the free rides] March of Dimes was able to raise $1,000,” Jeff Cable, chief of aviators and marketing analyst for Farmers Insurance, said.
Cable said that the Balloon Rally is a good opportunity to contribute to March of Dimes and at the same time be close to the community.
“We are the second largest contributor to March of Dimes in the U.S.,” he said. “When we have the opportunity to do both, it´s important to support and meet people in Amarillo.”
Pepsi Cola is also an important contributor to the event. They donated products to help raise money and are participating with their three balloons.
“March of Dimes is a good cause and something we support not only through community involvement, but by bringing the Pepsi Can (One of their globes shaped like a Pepsi Can),” David Wilson, sales manager said.
Palo Duro Canyon is generally restricted from aircrafts because of Federal Aviation Administration and government restrictions to protect animals, making this event unique.
“Migratory birds are gone, so it´s the only time of the year to do [an event with balloons],” Cable said.
The Balloon Rally started in John Stiff Park, with “Hoist Your Colors” in which balloons were inflated to light the Amarillo skies.
The event continued Oct. 23 at 7:30 a.m. with “Captain´s Revenge” which consists of a pilot’s competition.
“Competition adds excitement for pilots,” Cable said. “It is not a race, [it’s] more [about] accuracy,” he said.
Then, at 2:30 p.m. there was a “Trick or Treat” program, in which the public could meet the pilots and see the globes fly over Amarillo.
Oct. 24 program, “Pirates of the Canyon,” will start at 7:30 a.m. in Palo Duro Canyon. During this event the 30 balloons will lift off form the Amphitheater Auxiliary Parking lot.