Web Editor’s Note: For more Shack-A-Thon/Give-A-Goat pictures, click here!
The WT Alliance hosted Shack-A-Thon/Give-A-Goat on April 18 to fight poverty in Africa.
This time, the money raised was sent to buy goats in the Turkana region of Kenya where “it hasn’t rained for five years, and the people have to take a 24-hour trip to get water, and that water has typhoid,” Milton Jones, president of the Christian Relief Fund, said.
Over the past years, the events have raised a total of over $62,787 to buy 867 goats for Africans in need.
“[The event] was a great success,” Kent Mereness, director of the Church of Christ Bible Chair, said. “It amazes me how the selfless actions of WT students are impacting people for good on the other side of the globe.”Jones said he thinks Shack-A-Thon is a unique event. “I don’t know any university that does anything quite like it,” he said. “The campus ministries unite to help people.”
Dr. James Hallmark, vice-chancellor for Academic Affairs for the Texas A&M University System said he feels that Shack-A-Thon draws students together for a good cause.
“It really is rewarding to know that students can have a lot of fun and show their creativity…it really is a great thing,” he said.
Twenty-nine different shacks were built with designs ranging from pirate ships to a redneck theme. Shacks were judged and awards were presented at the end of the event.