Buff Nights Out, hosted by Health and Wellness
Photo by Nina Uhlikova: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-standing-on-hand-rails-with-arms-wide-open-facing-the-mountains-and-clouds-725255/
I attended Buffs Nights Out, and there were two special guest speakers, Dr. Stephanie Moses, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Library (TTUHSC) clinical psychologist, and Strecia McCaig, retired sergeant from the Amarillo Police Department who is a certified firearms instructor with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement.
The talk began with Dr. Moses, who discussed the benefits of health and wellness when dealing with anxiety. During the talk, Dr. Moses had the audience try and exercise in which they took deep breaths to calm themselves. Dr. Moses continued to talk about the number of ways that depression and bipolar disorder are expressed in individuals and how people can better cope with their stress.
I found it interesting because, as college students, we get stressed. I get stressed. I will use the deep breathing exercise in finals week because I am bound to need it.
Dr. Moses also told the audience to find their mission statement, something that would inspire them to continue on the journey they were on. Dr. Moses reiterated that knowing the direction you are going in and your goals can help stabilize your emotions because there is a difference between reaction and response. If you react, you are using all your emotions, but if you respond, you are taking the time to think about what you are doing.
I can often be quite emotional, and so this was a good way for me to learn how I can better regulate my emotions.
After Dr. Moses spoke, McCaig spoke about the importance of situational awareness. Although McCaig participates in specialized training for female shooters, she made it clear to the audience the importance of everyone knowing where the exits are when they walk into the room, and assessing the dangers around them.
McCaig mentioned that it is a bad habit to always look at your phone when you are out, which I often do. I am now re-assessing how I behave when I am out and about so that I don’t happen upon any danger.
McCaig used an example of a neighbor she had who had a funny feeling that she was being watched one night on a jog, and so she went back home. An hour later, another female jogger was attacked in the neighborhood. This is just one example of how listening to gut instincts can save people.
McCaig made it clear that the audience understood the importance of showing confidence when you don’t feel confident. She used the example of someone approaching you that you are wary of and keeping your head up instead of your head down when they are approaching you. McCaig reiterated that you do not want to be seen as easy prey by anyone.
I found both talks enlightening, and they made me rethink my behavior. I think that the benefit of going to talks like this is because you begin to look at the way you live, and you wonder what you can do to change things. Health and wellness is clearly important.