April 1 will start ‘21 Days of Change’, a university-wide initiative culminating with a lecture by Blake Mycoskie, the CEO of TOMS shoes on April 21.
“We will have an innovative series of events that will emphasize social justice and change,” University President Dr. Patrick O’Brien said. “These 21 days of change will highlight our students in this world [and their] involvement in the prime issues of the day.” Dr. O’Brien hopes the events will encourage passersby to get involved as well.
The university has been planning for Mycoskie’s arrival since last year. Groups such as Buffsity, the WT Alliance, PULSE, the Panhandle Plains Historical Museum, Amarillo Independent School District, Student Government, Greek organizations, faculty and staff have been working all year to plan ‘21 Days of Change’.
The month-long social justice initiative will kick off with the Social Justice Leadership Conference. The keynote speaker will be Ibrahim Abdiul-Mu-id Ramey, speaking on the Muslim experience post 9/11. The conference will start at 7 p.m. in the Alumni Banquet Hall.
“We cannot underestimate our commitment to build young citizens and our future leaders,” Dr. Don Albrecht, the vice president of Student Affairs, said. “’21 Days of Change’ is obviously more than just a speech. It is a representation of the university’s mission of being globally minded, supportive of civic duty and a safe community for everyone.”
Student Body President Tim Vela declared April as social justice month in response to ‘21 Days of Change’. The Distinguished Lecture series committee provided a generous financial donation for the events taking place in April.
“We hope that they will see that their money will be well spent,” Dr. Leigh Browning, associate professor of Mass Communications, said.
Students are encouraged to buy TOMS shoes through Amarillo’s Janey’s, a partner with the ‘21 Days of Change’. 10 percent of all TOMS´ sales by WT students will go back to the university.
“We carry all styles of TOMS shoes,” Michelle Ware, the TOMS advocate for Janey’s, said. “If we don’t have a shoe available, you can order directly from Janey’s. If TOMS has them, we can get them.”
To finalize ‘21 Days of Change’, April 21 at 6 p.m. in the First United Bank Center will mark the long-awaited lecture by Mycoskie. Hawk Nelson will be performing a concert prior to his appearance. Tickets will cost $10 and will be sold prior to the event and at the door.