Starting September 9th, iWeek is a three-day event at the JBK Legacy Hall, providing various organizations from West Texas A&M University and within the Canyon and Amarillo community ways to connect with WT students. These organizations seek to showcase opportunities, resources, and services to help students gather information and explore interests for their respective paths in both college and for life after graduation.
“On the Monday of iWeek, we have the iSucceed fair.” Meghan Williams, the Manager of the Student Success Center, said. “iSucceed is the student success fair which is aimed at current freshman and transfer students to educate them about all the student services WT has to offer, however all students are welcome.”
Appearing on Monday will be representatives from Advising Services, Career Services, Lead WT, the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum, and the Math Lab to a name a few.
Tuesday will play host to iBelong, the campus life fair. With over 130 campus organizations participating, the JBK will be full of opportunities for students to be engaged with the fabric with WT.
“The purpose (of iBelong) is to present a showcase of each organization to let students know what is available and learn how to become a member or attend a meeting. “ Stephanie Brackett, Assistant Director of Student Activities, said.
Lastly, Wednesday will present iCare, the Volunteer Fair. “There will be around 28 different volunteer organizations there to visit with students, faculty and staff about their volunteer opportunities.” Kim Coe, Administrative Assistant of Student Affairs, said. Organizations ranging from the Amarillo Zoo to Special Olympics will be present, as slideshows showcasing these causes will be shown on big screens complete with lights and music.
iWeek will also offer free food and a chance to win a $500 Amazon.com Gift Card, only asking for students to attend each day to enter. Each fair will be up and running from 10am to 1pm on their respective days.