The fall season has come to West Texas A&M University, and students are gearing up to celebrate Halloween on and off campus. Some are planning costumes and movie marathons, and a few WT clubs and student organizations are planning community events.

Sforzando, a WT vocal group, will sing a medley of Halloween songs on Oct. 29 at 1:30 p.m. at Maxwell’s Pumpkin Farm in Amarillo.
“It’s going to be kind of a casual, background music type of thing,” Sforzando member Grace Gaertner, a senior music education major, said. “We’re going to be doing ‘Monster Mash’, ‘Mr. Zombie’s Jazz Club’, ‘Little Shop of Horrors’, ‘A Man Who Wasn’t There’ and ‘In the Sorcerer’s Hall’, which is a medley of a bunch of orchestral pieces that are usually associated with Halloween but put to spooky Halloween words. So it’s really cute. But yeah, we’re going to be like just kind of background music while families are going around enjoying themselves. There’ll be some tables set out front if anyone wants to sit and listen for a little bit.”
Gaertner expects the performance to last between 30 to 45 minutes. Access to the performance is included in the cost of entry to the farm.
“This performance is a really fun feature of a lot of our vocalists who like to be a little bit extra involved in the school of music, and you don’t get to hear choir Halloween music too often,” Gaertner said.
The Office of Student Engagement and Leadership (OSEL) will host a Trunk or Treat that is open to the community on Oct. 31 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the JBK’s Legacy Hall. Student organizations will set up tables to pass out candy. OSEL is also planning to have face painting, a balloon artist, games, a bounce house, popcorn and cotton candy at the event.
“It’s just really a great way of bringing the community together because we have a lot of events at WT, but they’re mainly just for WT people, not really the community,” Ellee Reeves, a student activities consultant, said. “So, it just helps the community be able to come see what WT is about, and maybe their kids in the future can attend WT, but most of all, it’s just a safer option.”
Other Halloween events include a costume and pajama party hosted by the Catholic Student Center on Oct. 29 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Their Instagram handle is @wtcsc.
The WT Art Club will have a Halloween table in the JBK Oct. 23 and 24, and in the Mary Moody Northern Hall Oct. 25 and 26, with wares featuring original artwork by club members. Their Instagram handle is @wtamu_artclub.
The Offices of Advising and Study Abroad are holding a Halloween photo contest on Instagram from Oct. 22 to Oct. 31. Their Instagram handle is @wtstudyabroad.